Weaving the World
Exploring Medicine and Magic with the I Ching and Essential Oils
New Dates are coming for 2025!
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The forces of Yin and Yang weave our world. Through dark and light, day and night, stillness and movement they are forever in embrace, forever changing, forever exchanging, creating, disseminating, and eliminating as they manifest. In the ancient Book of Changes, the I Ching, these forces are intimately detailed as the 64 hexagrams. In this course, we will explore each hexagram and pair each hexagram with an essential oil, a plant material that has condensed “instructions” paralleling the hexagram and informing how an individual can benefit and evolve with the natural order of change. As symbols of change the hexagram and its companion essential oil will enable you to work with time and the possibilities of change, allowing each moment to become one of self-cultivation, self-knowledge that enables you to act or not to act in accordance with your own path.
The Book of Changes represents the Yang, the relationship of movement, of animation, of spirit while the essential oils will represent Yin, the substance, the material, the fabric, even the body itself, in our discussions. Where each hexagram describes a movement of energy, each essential oil can bring you to the experience of these movements on the essence level, leading you through an experiential learning that reaches you at your very core. As you begin to understand these movements from the center of your own being, you will find yourself open and available to the infinite options that reside in each moment, unfolding yourself as you create your world.
The power of these two, the energetic symbols with the plant materials, is magic. Magic arises as you enter both the mystery and the clarity of each moment. The magic of your presence leads ordinary changes to become omens, signposts, and signals that keep you attuned to the movement of life within and around you. As you learn to use these two together your own personal medicine emerges, a medicine unique to the moment and to you. Medicine in this way returns you to your own agency, cultivating your own knowing, leading you to choose what is right for you in any circumstance, enabling you to align yourself for the highest good in any situation that comes before you.
We will meet in 9 afternoons together, moving through the hexagrams from 1 to 64 over the course of 9 months. This allows you to integrate everything over time, experimenting with divination and with the essential oils a few at a time. Woven into each meeting will be the basics of using essential oils safely, and the basics of understanding divination including how, when, and why to use the divination tools.
Appropriate to anyone with interest, this course will focus on developing your understanding for your own use. allowing you to create your own stable of essential oils to support your journey. You will be introduced to both the I Ching and the essential oils from the Chinese medical and energetic perspective. Existing knowledge of Chinese medicine, the I Ching or the essential oils may be helpful but is certainly not required to benefit immensely from this novel presentation and discussion.
If you have interest in future presentations, please sign up on our mailing list to be notified when it is presented again.